Why is It Important to Learn the Language of the Quran?

Can you read English without understanding? Let’s take any other language. Is it worth reading if you understand nothing of it? Well, similar is the case with the Quran. Quran is the book of Allah. It was sent down to Muslims to read and abide by what was written. This makes it inevitable to learn the language of the Quran, Arabic, to understand it. 

If you’re still not convinced, we will list down some of the reasons to learn Arabic, the language of the Quran -

Better Appreciation of the Book 

If you learn its language, you will understand the Quran's nuances and meaning more fully. One develops a stronger bond with the Quran when they comprehend the words. This helps with both memorisation and reading of the text. Even if you can get AI Quran for free with its translation, it is recommended for all Muslims to learn the language. 

Better Focus on Prayers

What you read in your prayers is what you learn from the Quran. Can you fully focus on your prayers if you do not know what you’re reading? No, right? This is why it is crucial to understand the language, and if you learn Arabic, understanding what you’re reading in prayers becomes easy. 

The Islamic Teaching

Most Islamic teachings are written in Arabic. This comprises the guidance our Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) offers us, as well as the Sunnah and hadeeth. In addition, Arabic makes up a large portion of the analytical components of the Quran and Hadeeth. Even though some of these have been translated into English, the meaning is inconsistent, and only Arabic will provide a complete comprehension. Even though reading English translated Quran is good in the beginning, Muslims must eventually learn Arabic for better understanding. 

Clearing Misconceptions 

Understanding Arabic, the language of the Quran will help you rapidly dispel any false information and misconceptions, particularly those about your religion.

This has become very prevalent since many people quote verses from the Quran out of context, give false information about our religion, or offer poor interpretations. Possessing an accurate, in-depth understanding of your faith and the Holy Quran will enable you to address this problem quickly.


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