What Are the Virtues of the Quran?

The Quran, the holy book of Islam, is revered by over a billion Muslims worldwide. This holy scripture was revealed to the last prophet, prophet Muhammad. It is a known fact that every word written in the book is the direct words of God, Allah. The book is divided into 30 parts and 114 chapters. Reciting or memorising the Quran has numerous virtues. Let us discuss them one by one -

  • Guidance:

The number one virtue of reading the Quran is guidance. The book guides humanity on faith, morality, and practical living. It also teaches you the ethics of establishing a just and compassionate society and focusing on honesty, kindness, patience, and justice.

  • Cleanses The Heart:

Reciting the Quran is said to purify or cleanse your heart. When a Muslim recites the Quran, it has an impact and cleanses the heart of all pollutants that adhere to it. You can easily get free copies of Quran if you wish to read them. 

  • The Reward:

It is said that whoever reads the Quran will be rewarded on the day of resurrection. A good deed is attributed to the person who reads a letter from the Book of Allah, and a good deed is rewarded tenfold. 

  • Justice:

The Quran upholds the principles of justice and fairness. The rulings written in the Quran establish a just society where the rights of individuals are protected and preserved. It includes rulings that humans can apply in solving disputes, whether worldly affairs or personal complications.

  • Spiritual Nourishment 

Listening to or reading the Quran has a spiritual effect on individuals. It gives them solace, comfort, and hope. Full Quran audio is available if you want to listen to the Quran and find peace.

The Quran is a book given to Muslims to lead a guided life. From teaching basic mannerisms to narrating stories of the prophets, it entails everything about Islam. 


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