How Does the Quran Act as a Source of Guidance?

 There are a lot of instances when people feel overwhelmed and lack the will to lead a positive life. It is crucial for us to stay motivated and have a positive bent of mind to move ahead toward our goals and achieve the most significant height in our life. If you are feeling low and want to get some instant motivation and looking for a source of guidance, reading the Al Quran will turn out to be a great decision. The Holy Quran is full of gems that will ignite your lifestyle to success and positively influence your character. Keep reading to know how it acts as a source of constant guidance: 

It tells us what’s forbidden and what is not:

Try to listen to the Quran attentively, and you’re sure to be in a win-win situation! The Quran is a guide and helps you understand what is permissible and non-permissible to lead a happy and peaceful life. There are many examples of how the Al Quran has helped people shape their lives and become successful in their endeavors. The Quran teaches us to have patience and gives us a firm realization that Almighty Allah is the greatest and deserves all the praise in this world. 

It makes your heart softer towards other creatures:

Try to listen to the complete Quran audio so that you can remember the details just the right way. Reciting the Quran or listening to its audio allows one’s heart to go softer and brings one closer to the almighty Allah. 

It elevates our status both in this world and in the afterlife:

You will bring healing to your soul by listening to the Quran surah audio. Try to inculcate the habit of listening to the Al Quran audio on a daily basis and elevate your standard both in this world and your afterlife. 

The Quran will act as an intercessor for us:

Always listen to the Quran online attentively. Be very careful and set in a respectable position even while listening to the Al Quran audio. If you are feeling overwhelmed or wish to recover from a shock or anxious thoughts, listening to the Quran is the best.

Ask your near ones to listen to Quran audio regularly! It will help you deal with your restlessness and act as an instant mood uplifter, and brings you satisfaction and stability to lead a peaceful life. 

The Quran becomes an intercessor for us on the Day of Judgement and shields us from many harms both in this world and afterlife. 

And Allah Knows The Best!


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