Surprising Facts About the Holy Quran That Will Delight You

 The Holy Al Quran is a book filled with delightful benefits and surprising facts. You need to invest time and effort in getting through the texts like a pro. Despite the revelation of the Holy Al Quran dating back in time, its verses are highly relevant even today and will be for times to come. It is a constant source of guidance to humankind and helps you be in a win-win situation. The scientific facts mentioned in the Holy Al Quran are noteworthy and highly relevant even in today’s time. Some of them are listed as follows: 

Learn about the Quranic Big Crunch Theory: 

It is unfortunate that many of us fail to understand the Holy Al Quran due to the Arabic language. This is why it is best to read the Holy Quran in English. Have you heard about the Big Crunch Theory? This concept is based on Einstein’s general theory of relativity, which discusses how the universe expanded and how the expansion will reverse, and the universe will collapse. The Holy Al Quran speaks vividly of this topic in surah 21

Excerpts about the Big Bang theory: 

One of the most notable theories, the Big Bang theory, is well-spoken of in the Holy Al Quran. If you get spare time, purify yourself and ponder over the Quran transliteration Book for better understanding. Albert Einstein proposed a theory that the universe is an expanding force, while a mathematician claimed that expansion started from a dense and initial point. The holy texts reveal that the heavens and the earth were a closed-up mass (Ratqan).

Views on oceanic division:

If you read the English version of the Quran, you will be surprised to read about excerpts hinting at the oceanic division. Despite this discovery being new, the Holy Al Quran informed its readers about it several hundred years ago in surah 55

Formation of clouds: 

Aren’t you fascinated about how clouds were formed? As children and growing adults, we read about cloud formation, which was already mentioned in the full Quran in English. The study hinted at the formation of clouds in the last two centuries; the scientific mention in the Holy Al Quran is ahead of its time. 

Share this helpful information with your near ones and help them benefit from the same! Read the Holy Al Quran with pure intentions, and you are good to go!

And Allah Knows The Best! 


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