A Learners Guide To Reading The Holy Quran

Of the many problems we face in our day to day life, the most evident one is failing to understand each other's opinions! Having a deeper and profound knowledge of anything will help us deal with our problems much more smoothly. Hence, the perfect place to develop a sense of deeper understanding is reading the Holy Quran!

The Holy Quran helps in spiritual healing and is the perfect guide for us. The original and authentic verses were revealed in the Arabic language. However, most people might find it challenging to ponder the Arabic verses, so reading the translated versions will be a great idea!

Gain a standard and authentic knowledge about Islam:

Before you begin reading the Holy Quran, it is crucial to perform wudu or ablution. If you are unaware of this step, understanding the basic Islamic principles and commandments is essential. It would be best to go through things like a basic introduction, top introductory books and teaching of Islam.

Choose an authentic English translated Quran:

One of the most important things is to get a copy of an authentic English translated Quran. Even though the Holy Quran was revealed in the Arabic language, you can easily get genuine copies of English versions. The translations will help you understand the deeper meanings of the Arabic verses!

Seek professional help from learned scholars:

The best people to guide you in reading the Holy Quran in English are the learned scholars! If you struggle to find a tutor, relying on online tutors will keep you in a win-win position. Many verses in the Holy Quran demand vivid descriptions and more profound understanding, and depending on authentic Islamic scholars will help you clarify your doubts.

Keep striving:

Learning never stops, and you must not stop pondering over the Quran transliteration book! You must read the book with sincere interest as it will have a positive impact on your heart. Even though you have understood specific topics, going back to the different verses depicting the same issue will help you comprehend better.

Choose an authentic Tafseer book:

You will surely get the authentic English version of the Quran on various online platforms. However, take time to determine the website's authenticity, and you are good to go! Reading the Tafseer book simultaneously will help you gain deeper insights.

You must always read, listen and memorise the Holy Quran with a sincere and pure heart.

And Allah Knows The Best!


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