What Does The Quran Say About The Power Of Dua In Islam?

There are many schools of thought about making dua to our Lord. Dua, in simple terms, is a request and form of supplication to the Almighty Allah. We must make dua at times of distress and during our happy and cheerful days when thanking Allah is a must!

Read on to know more about what the Quran mentions about making dua and how dua makes us the humble servants of our Lord:

Dua reminds us of Allah’s closeness:

Listening to the Quran surah audio is a better way of understanding the verses of the holy book. You will rightfully understand the depth of verse 186 of Surah Al-Baraqah that lays stress upon answering invocations of the supplicants.

Making dua humbles our heart:

Just like how we feel at peace after listening to the full Quran audio, making dua also helps us feel better! We, humans, are flawed and making dua for ourselves and the entire ummah will humble our hearts and make us more pious as per the will of Allah. Begging in front of our Lord will make us humble and overrule our pride and arrogance.

Allah removes difficulties of those in distress:

If you listen to the Quran online, you will hear in the Surah An-Naml, verse 62:

‘Is not He (best) Who answereth the wronged one when he crieth unto Him and removeth the evil, and hath made you viceroys of the earth? Is there any Allah beside Allah? Little do they reflect!’

So even if the dua is not immediately granted, it definitely hints at something better for you in your times of distress. Allah (best) grants our duas at the perfect instance.

Dua is answered at times of distress:

YOu must try and listen to the Quran audio as and when you get feasible options. You may listen to it while driving back home or on your way to an important meeting! Making dua when listening to the verses will help you overcome your stress before such vital presentations and discussions. It is mentioned in Surah Al-Anbiya with reference to Prophet Yunus A.S. that the times of distress are among blessed times of the dua be answered.

Be sincere while asking for dua: You need to accept that commandments laid down in the Quran are essential for the overall well-being and prosperity of the people. The Quran is a constant reminder that good deeds will pay you fruitful rewards in your afterlife. Listening to its audio will enrich your ears and soothe your soul. It feeds your soul with positive energy!

And Allah Knows The Best!


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