The 3 Ashra’s of Ramadan: What the Quran Says

Ramadan is one of the sacred and blessed months of the Islamic calendar. This month is blessed as the Holy Quran was revealed for the very first time in this month. So in order to commemorate the revelation of the Holy Quran on the Prophet , Muslims across the globe fast this entire month!

  • First Ashra: Days of Mercy:

The first ten days or the month of Ramadan are the days of Mercy! Try reading the Holy Quran Pak on a regular note on these 10 days. Every Muslim must make it a point to seek the Almighty for His immense mercy. There is a dedicated verse that must be recited as often as possible during these 10 days:

 ‘O! My Lord forgive and have Mercy and You are Best of Merciful ’.

Hence one of the main aims behind these 10 days is to be merciful towards the other individuals and practise giving charity to the needy. You must try to control your temper and not show angry emotions at all!

  • Second Ashra: Days of Forgiveness:

Do not miss the opportunity of availing the offer of order free Quran and read it throughout the month of Ramadan. Muslim brothers and sisters must closely observe these 10 days as a means of repenting for all the sins they have committed whether directly or indirectly. Spend each minute in seeking forgiveness and make sure to not repeat those sins again in the future!

  • Third Ashra: Days of Seeking Refuge:

Reading the Quran in English language will help you have a better grasp on the meanings and clarify your long lost thought process. The last 10 or 9 days, according to the sighting of the moon are the days of seeking refuge from your Lord. This third Ashra provides you safety from the Hell fire and helps you seek refuge from the Almighty. It is in this Ashra that the Laitatul Qadr falls which is better than the nights of thousand months! As mentioned in the Quran: surah Ad-Dukhan, verses 3-6: ‘Lo! We revealed it on a blessed night- Lo! We are ever warning- Whereon every wise command is made clear. As a commands from Our presence- Lo! We are ever sending- A mercy from thy Lord. Lo! He, even He is the Hearer, the Knower..’

Ramadan teaches people the true meaning of discipline, self control and empathy to encourage charity for the needy. So make the most of this month!


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