The Five Pillar of Islam Mentioned in the Holy Quran

It is nothing new that Islamic is based on a number of principles. But many people across the globe often confuse themselves with these principles. The five pillars on which Islam stands are namely: the declaration of faith (Shahada), Prayer (Namaz), Fasting (Roza), Alms giving (Zakaat) and Pilgrimage (Hajj). This blog will throw light to these principles:

  • SHAHADA (The Declaration of Faith):

The Holy Quran mentions about this pillar in the Surah Al- Imran, wherein He states: “Allah (Himself) is Witness that there is no Allah save Him. And the angels and the men of learning (too are witness). Maintaining His creation in justice, there is no Allah save Him the Almighty, the Wise”. The key belief in Islam is the worship of one sole creator that is ‘Allah’. Islam strictly and staunchly believes in Monotheism. Therefore any Muslim should live his or her life in submission to their only creator, Allah, in all the things that they do.

  • NAMAZ (Prayer):

The Holy Quran mentions a lot about the importance of praying five times a day. Namaz is the ritual prayers that the Muslims are supposed to pray every day. This prayer has a specific direction that is towards the holy Kaaba (in Mecca) at least five times a day. Also the Muslim men are supposed to pray a 2 rakah Namaz every Friday which is commonly known as the Friday Congregational prayer.

  • ROZA (Fasting):

Muslims are supposed to fast Ramadan. It is clearly mentioned in the holy Quran in the surah Baqarah (2: 183-185), it there where Allah clearly mentions about the importance and relevance of fasting in the month of Ramadan.

  • ZAKAAT (Alms - giving):

Zakaat refers to the obligatory amount that the Muslims are supposed to the needy once every year. There is a sophisticated system that are mentioned in the various religious scriptures, which is liable only if you have a certain sum left to you after all your expenditure. A separate Zakaat needs to be paid on the amount of gold that you have purchased over time.

  • HAJJ (Pilgrimage):

Furthermore regarding the 5th pillar of Islam, it has been stated in the Quran in surah Baqarah (2:196) that the Muslims are supposed to perform Hajj during the month of Zul-Hijjah.

Upholding these five pillars is truly considered as an obligation on the Muslims. With the English version of Quran you will be able to clarify your misconceptions and clearly understand Islam as well as its underlying principles.


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