How can you understand the Holy Al Quran in a Better Way?

‘Lo! My protecting Friend is Allah Who revealeth the Scripture. He befriendeth the righteous.’- 7:196.

For you to be able to understand and comprehend the Holy Al Quran, you must read at least few verses or pages on a daily basis. The verses of the holy Quran was not revealed all at once. It took several years for the revelation to get completed. Those scholars, who have profound wisdom and knowledge of the Arabic scriptures, will be able to tell you the reason behind such time gap. When you read the holy Quran, it is important for you to grasp as much as possible.

  • Listen carefully:

The people who recite the Holy Al Quran and the ones who listen to its recitation are both blessed immensely. Say you go to the classroom to attend a lecture just for the sake of getting attendance while your friend attends the lecture to be able to venture forth in the context, who is at a boon? Obviously the friend who was listening attentively. Being an active listener is really important and helps you to understand the context of the Quran in a more clarifying manner.

  • Read Often:

The more you read, the better will be your understanding. You will not be able to understand the Quran at one go. This is because the verses are excerpts taken from various incidents. These incidents are not narrated as a whole at one place or an entire chapter but they are shuffled in the best possible manner as only Allah knows the best. Reciting the Quran on a daily basis will help you in better understanding the real meaning behind each verse. The miracles presented in the Quran will help to establish your belief in God in a stauncher manner.

  • Contemplate as you read:

You will be able to understand better only if you try to comprehend as you read. So if you want to understand the verses then you will have to reflect upon each word and the context itself.

The verses aim to provide you clarifying truths about the reality and teach you about the hardships of this life by seeking examples from the Prophets. All of this can be understood better by reading the full Quran in English! Since English is better understood by the majority of people across the globe, you can easily access copies of this holy book in English and that to online for free! 


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