
Showing posts from April, 2022

Major Themes of the Quran in Easy English

  To begin with, you need to be a righteous person before claiming yourself to be an obedient and practising Muslim. We all know that the Holy Al Quran comprises 114 surahs, most of which are loaded with guidance and commandments. This Holy Book is made of several themes, and this blog post will give you some insightful information about the same.  Islamic monotheism:  Muslims believe in one God, Allah ( SWT ). Once you read the whole Quran in English , you will get a clear picture of the various narratives that the majority of people misinterpret in the light of Islam. The Holy Al Quran is a holy book that extensively covers Islam's attributes. It is considered the best guide for humankind. Islam monotheism indicates how all Muslims unify to worship the ultimate supreme authority, Allah ( SWT ). Themes of mercy:  The theme of mercy is a much talked about topic, especially when you go through the free Quran with your dear ones. Allah ( SWT ) is full of grace and showers endle