
Showing posts from December, 2021

Why Is Al Quran Pak an Excellent Gifting Option?

With festivities and celebrations around the corner, we look forward to pleasing our loved ones with gifts and souvenirs. If you throw a housewarming party or call in your relatives to spend quality time, the Al Quran will help you welcome them with absolute generosity. You must schedule meets and greets and recite the Al Quran to gain additional spirituality. When it comes to giving something unique, the Al Quran is an exceptional choice. The Holy Al Quran is the best gift Allah has given to humanity. This Book is filled with spiritual goodness and helps you become the best version of yourself. The Al Quran brings light to our lives and guides us through the straight path. The Al Quran Pak will act as the most significant motivation: When it comes to reading the Al Quran Pak , you will be instilled with extreme goodness that will pave the way for the greater good. Many schools of thought highly believe that the best amongst us are those who teach and learn Al Quran. So, what are y

Things That the Quran Speaks about Married Women

  You might have come across many rumours that married Muslim women are oppressed of their rights from their husbands. Little do people know that Islam has raised the status of married women as the Queen of their house. It is incorrect to give into misconceptions that revolve around Muslim women facing injustice in homes in an entirely different context from noble virtues Islam has laid down for women. Here are some essential verses of the Quran that speak volumes about the role of married women: The right to inherit wealth: It is essential to read the Al Quran for free to understand the Islamic commandments. The relationship between a husband and his wife is beautiful and must be cherished by both partners. Before Islam, women were highly oppressed and restricted when it came to inheriting wealth following the death of their husbands. If you ponder upon the whole Quran in English , you will come across many verses, one of them being surah 4, verse 7, that mentions about right to