
Showing posts from October, 2021

What Happens When You Listen To The Holy Quran Audio?

Gone are the days when learning the holy Quran was filled with milestones! These days, with authentic websites and Islamically-renowned scholars, learning the holy Quran has become more accessible online and offline. You can even listen to the holy Quran audio from trusted and accredited online websites to boost your tajweed and pronunciation of the Arabic verses. While many people prefer to read the Quran in their regional language, listening to the Quran audio in Arabic has its perks! The Quran wave sounds have a profound effect on the brain: Do you know that sound travels through the auditory to the brain and signals it in the form of waves? Many studies have confirmed that when you listen to the Quran online or offline, it brings about lasting benefits to your body and soul! Scientists have discovered that sound waves affect the brain positively and negatively as per its vibrations. It helps to reduce disease symptoms: The Muslims have a profound belief in the healing power o