
Showing posts from December, 2020

The need to Wear Hijab as mentioned in the Holy Quran

You might have seen a lot of Muslim women and girls covering their head with a head scarf as a symbol of their religion. Have you wondered why not all Muslim women do so? Or why some cover with modesty while some do so in regards to match the fashion trends? The simple answer to all such assumptions and speculations is to read about what the Quran has to say about the head scarf popularly known as the ‘hijab’. This blog enlists some Quranic verses that represent the need to wear hijab. Keep reading: As mentioned in the surah number 24, verse 30, wherein Allah commands the Prophet ﷺ as follows: ‘Tell the believing men to lower their gaze and be modest. That is purer for them. Lo! Allah is aware of what they do’ While a lot of people are under the notion that hijab is mandatory obligation only for Muslim women but this is not so! As Allah Himself has commanded the men to be modest by lowering their gaze. Further the Muslim men are commanded not to lustfully look at women except the